
About Montclair

Just a short distance from New York City, the vibrant community of Montclair is one of the premier destinations for arts, entertainment and culture in Northern New Jersey. With hundreds of small shops, studios, restaurants, and professional services at your fingertips, Montclair has something to offer everyone. Let’s take a closer look at all that Montclair has to offer! Shopping and Dining in Montclair One of the most popular attractions in Montclair is its shopping district, which features an array of independent stores and boutiques offering everything from clothing to home furnishings. With a variety of dining options ranging from casual cafes to upscale restaurants serving Italian fare or fresh seafood dishes, you'll find something to satisfy every taste. If you're looking for live music or theater performances, you can check out o

Just a short distance from New York City, the vibrant community of Montclair is one of the premier destinations for arts, entertainment and culture in Northern New Jersey. With hundreds of small shops, studios, restaurants, and professional services at your fingertips, Montclair has something to offer everyone. Let’s take a closer look at all that Montclair has to offer!

Shopping and Dining in Montclair

One of the most popular attractions in Montclair is its shopping district, which features an array of independent stores and boutiques offering everything from clothing to home furnishings. With a variety of dining options ranging from casual cafes to upscale restaurants serving Italian fare or fresh seafood dishes, you'll find something to satisfy every taste. If you're looking for live music or theater performances, you can check out one of several venues located nearby.

Montclair's Cultural Scene

Montclair is well-known for its cultural scene. With two art museums and numerous galleries featuring works by local artists, it's easy to appreciate the creativity that abounds here. The city also hosts several annual events such as the Montclair Film Festival and The Bloomfield Avenue Arts & Music Festival (BAM Fest), both of which attract thousands of visitors each year. Additionally, there are many parks and trails located throughout town that are perfect for exploring nature and getting some fresh air.

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Avg Work Commute
0 mins
Median Age
Median Area Income
Median Sale Price

The Commute

Travel Methods

To City Center

Montclair Sales Data

Residential Sales
0 -0%

Percentage change from latest quarter vs same time period previous year

Median Sale Price
$0 +0%

Data compiled using 4th quarter 2022 data vs. same period from 2021

Median Sales Price

Q4 2022
- 0%
From Q3 2022


Population by Age Level. Median Age 45.34. Households: 4,209.

In Thousand of Dollars. (Median Income: $187,750)

Population by Education Level

Fair Market Rents

From its excellent shopping district to its thriving cultural scene, it’s no wonder why more people are moving into Montclair every day. Whether you’re looking for a place where your family can settle down or simply want an escape from city life while still being close enough to enjoy all that NYC has to offer, then you should definitely consider making your home in this amazing community! With so much going on here—from top-notch educational opportunities to world-class entertainment—you won’t be disappointed when you visit or decide move into this Northern New Jersey hotspot.

Montclair Schools & Education

Public & Private Institutions Of Learning

Families looking to move into this area will be pleased with what Montclair has to offer when it comes to education. From early childhood through high school, there are numerous public and private schools available in town. In addition to traditional academic subjects like math and science, many schools also offer unique courses such as robotics programming or culinary arts that give students an opportunity to pursue their passions outside the classroom.

Avg School Rating
Publically Funded

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